When anger becomes a problem

Anger is a normal human emotion, but it’s an emotion that gets a lot of bad press. This is because it can be problematic when expressed in a way that is distressing or damaging to others.  And it can negatively impact on physical health, wellbeing and relationships.

Managing intense and overwhelming emotions isn’t easy but, with support, developing an understanding of your experience of anger can lead to changes in how it’s expressed.

The Australian Psychological Society (APS) outlines some of the signs that indicate anger has become a problem. These include,

– when anger includes verbal, emotional, physical or psychological abuse
– when you feel angry most of the time
– when your anger leads to problems in your personal relationships and at work
– when you are using alcohol or other substances to try and manage your anger
– when your anger reaction seems out of proportion to the event that triggered it
– when your anger has become the main way to get what you want

– when others are worried your anger is becoming a problem

If anger has become a problem for you, accessing psychological support may help you to understand what triggers your anger as well as why you developed unhealthy ways of expressing it. Learning about triggers and then developing strategies to express this important emotion in healthier ways might be just what you need to improve your relationships and increase your overall wellbeing.
